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서울 연고 공동화 정책 영어로


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  • Decentralization policy in K League
  • 서울    서울1 [수도] a capital; a metropolis.
  • 연고    연고 [軟膏] (an) ointment; (a) salve; (an)
  • 공동화    공동화 [空洞化] ~하다 become hollow;
  • 정책    정책 [政策] (a) policy. 경제 ~ an economic
  • 공동화    공동화 [空洞化] ~하다 become hollow; lose[become devoid of] substance; get emptied of all contents.
  • 공동 외교 안보 정책    Common Foreign and Security Policy
  • 공동농업정책    Common Agricultural Policy
  • 공동어업정책    Common Fisheries Policy
  • 연고    연고 [軟膏] (an) ointment; (a) salve; (an) unguent; (an) inunction. 수은[붕산] ~ mercurial[boric] ointment. 페니실린 ~ penicillin ointment. 상처에 ~를 바르다 apply ointment[salve] to a wound.연고 [緣故]1 =사유(事由).2 [관계·연분]
  • 동화    동화 [同化] assimilation; [순응] adaptation; 『生』 anabolism. 음의 ~ assimilation of a sound (to another). ~하다 assimilate ; adapt oneself to(순응하다). ~할 수 있는 assimilable. 사상이나 문화를 ~하다 assimilate various foreign
  • 정책    정책 [政策] (a) policy. 경제 ~ an economic policy. 사회[상업 / 산업] ~ a social[a commercial / an industrial] policy. 선린 ~ a good-neighbor policy. 외교[대외] ~ a diplomatic[foreign] policy. ~상의 문제 a matter of polic
  • 공동    공동 [共同] cooperation; collaboration; union; association; partnership. ~의 common / communal / joint / concerted / united / public(공공의). ~의 적 a common enemy. ~의 이익을 위하여 for the common benefit[interests
  • 연고로    연고로 [然故-] therefore; (and) so; whereas; accordingly; consequently; hence; for[on] that reason.
  • 연고자    family member; kinsman; relative
  • 정책 정책 정책    Policy
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